Monday, December 22, 2008

100 year old cook book!!!

Many years ago I inherited a cookbook... It is hand written for the most part, with some cuttings from newspapers, magazines and food boxes loose between its pages.

It belonged to a neighbour who was an amazingly wonderful cook - Mrs Milliner

When I got it out to make the Christmas cakes this year I realised it was falling apart and really needed to be saved. So I decided to make a website and put it up so that everyone would have access to it.

It's going to be a huge task putting everything online. I've started putting a few headings up that I will make into links when I have the recipes up - but I have only put up a few headings - there are .... I have no idea how many recipes in this book.

Also so household hints - some really helpful, some really out of date and funny.

On the main page there you will see a bit that asks you to join the mailing list - do please join. It will only be used once a week or so, when I get time to put new recipes up.

And please tell other folks about it - this book deserves to be seen and used!

Thanks :)

Monday, December 8, 2008

And the winner is...

tattoosfade from the community "cat-lovers" won the pick of my prints!

I spun the wheel of my mouse with my eyes closed and clicked, and that was the name that was highlighted.
